
Waste water treatment units

Treatment of washing water from breeding tanks

Our Customer’s salmon farming business is based in France. On a daily basis, the numerous rearing basins on this aquaculture farm need to be emptied, as they are concentrated in heavy metals and suspended solids. Discharging this wastewater directly into the sewer or recycling it as washing water is possible, but requires a treatment stage beforehand. Fortunately for our Customer, NISKAE is an expert in water treatment and was able to analyze the water to find a solution for his process water.

Thousands of liters of wastewater are generated by the emptying of breeding ponds

It’s no surprise that cleaning the water basins for salmon farming involves a significant volume of wastewater discharge. Not only is this effluent discharged in large quantities, it is also contaminated and should be treated before being discharged into the sewage system. With a view to environmentally-friendly farming from start to finish, our Customer chose NISKAE to develop a powder treatment specifically adapted to the properties of its water, enabling it to be discharged directly into the sewer in full compliance.

A tailor-made formulation with diverse properties

Washing water from emptying aquaculture ponds
Washing water from emptying aquaculture ponds

To make the right environment move, our Customer decided to call on NISKAE for an effective solution for the treatment of its wastewater. Our Customer provided the NISKAE laboratory with samples of the wastewater generated by the emptying operations. Analysis of the water revealed the presence of iron at 2.73 mg/L, and zinc at 0.10 mg/L. Suspended solids are also very high and must also be lowered.

After several series of laboratory tests, a precise and unique combination solution was developed with a minimal dosage of 0.2 ml/L. By adding an ambivalent formulation, consisting of a coagulant and a flocculant, analysis of the treated water reveals a lowered iron concentration of 0.02 mg/L and less than 0.01 mg/L for zinc, in addition to a total disappearance of suspended solids. The water treatment chemistry developed by NISKAE also stabilizes the neutral pH value of the effluent, and the sludge generated by the treatment is non-sticky and easy to dewater.

An environmentally responsible gesture

This objective has been achieved thanks to the development of a tailor-made NISKAE coagulant-flocculant formulation. The presence of heavy metals has been significantly reduced and the pH value stabilized. Our Customer will now be able to do the right thing for the environment, considerably reduce wastewater storage costs and discharge treated water directly into the sewer. Once again, NISKAE’s ingenuity meets the needs of its customers and provides them with a sustainable and effective solution.