Water treatment

Preparation and dosing station

Preparation and dosing station

Chemical reagent preparation and dosing station

For the needs of its own water treatment systems, NISKAE has designed and developed a range of units for the preparation and dosing of powdered reagents and liquid or concentrated products for water treatment applications, but also for all types of industrial applications requiring precision conditioning and dosing.

Description of the preparation and dosing station

Reagent preparation and dosing station
Chemical reagent preparation and dosing station for industry

NISKAE’s SDPH prepatation and dosing units are designed as boiler-made skids in polypropylene plastic, mounted on retention tanks.
Integrating up to 5 mixing and preparation tanks, NISKAE dosing stations can meet a wide range of capacities and applications.

Powder dosing, dilution control, polypropylene plastic propeller, coated agitator shaft, proportional injection, volumetric control, protective housing are just some of the accessories and features that make NISKAE stations perfectly suited to safe use in industrial environments.

Our dosing systems use high-quality, corrosion-resistant dosing pumps to inject chemicals into a process tank or directly into a piping manifold.

NISKAE engineers pay particular attention to the choice of materials for dosing pumps and piping, depending on the reagents to be prepared and dosed: PVDF, PFA, PTFE

As with our range of industrial water treatment equipment, the operation of our SDPH dosing stations is fully automated and benefits from all the technological advances made by NISKAE engineers in terms of PLC control and communication via our own VPN solution.