Water treatment

Set up for industrial waste water recycling

Set up for industrial waste water recycling

Industrial wastewater recycling unit: how does it work ?

Synoptic view of an industrial waste water recycling unit
Synoptic view of an industrial waste water recycling unit

Our industrial wastewater units, collect wastewater thanks to one or several pumping units that we set up in your workplace, along with a piping network and a storage tank placed upstream of our treatment unit. Our wastewater storage tanks have capacities from 500 to 3000L.

Clear water storage tanks

Waste water and clear water storage tanks
Waste water and clear water storage tanks

After the coagulation and flocculation treatment, clear water that comes from the reactor and the filtering box, are collected in a storage tank. Niskae offers storage capacities for clear water from 500 to 3000L.

Clear water storage tanks can be equipped with an electric resistance for water heating.

Clear water reinjected in the rinsing cycle

Clear water sent back to the washing cycle thanks to a blower
Clear water sent back to the washing cycle thanks to a blower

A blower, equipped with a filtering unit, reinjects clear water coming from the recycling process in the rinsing cycle.

Control panel integrated in the recycling unit

Control panel integrated to the water-recycling unit
Control panel integrated to the water-recycling unit

The electric control panel integrated to our industrial wastewater treatment and recycling unit allows control of the whole installation and eventual optional equipment.