Water treatment

Measurement and sampling station

Measurement and sampling station

Measuring and sampling station for industrial waters

Description of measuring and sampling station

Niskae offers you a new generation of water physico-chemical measuring stations. Incorporating the “NISKAE Standard”, the SDM station is a compact, mobile, plug and play, multi-application, communicating unit.

The NISKAE sampling and measuring station is designed for industrial wastewater, feedwater and process water. Niskae has designed a unique, fully adaptable and upgradeable station to quantify your water consumption and monitor the quality of your process water or wastewater.

Description and operation of measuring and sampling stations

Measuring and sampling station
Measuring and sampling station for industrial water

The measuring and sampling station operates by continuously reading water quality measurements using the sensors integrated into your plant.

Our aim is to bring together all the information required for reading parameters in a single station. This new environmental communication tool enables you to take samples from production sites and present a global analysis of production results based on factual physical data directly linked to the various production processes.

Multi-parameter measuring station

The multi-parameter station is basically composed of measuring probes allowing the monitoring of the main physicochemical parameters:

  • Flow rate: an essential value for certain processes where its precision is crucial, such as in production processes.
  • Pressure: measuring pressure is an indicator of the health of a distribution network. Too high a pressure can signal potential problems occurring on the installation (faults, incorrect settings) and allow the anticipation of the appearance of new problems. Too low a pressure can mean the presence of leaks.
  • Temperature: essential in order to maintain, optimize and evaluate processes. This value guarantees the quality of production by ensuring that the temperature of the fluids remains constant over time, while allowing the detection of possible faults, which guarantees the safety of the installations.​
  • pH: an essential parameter for water quality. Its control is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of devices sensitive to this parameter, to protect pipes from corrosion and to comply with the pH values ​​imposed by standards.
  • Conductivity: allows the presence of minerals and ions in solution to be assessed.


Depending on the needs of the site, both for the process concerned or for monitoring the compliance of a water discharge to the municipal network, up to 5 additional probes can be added for continuous or batch readings and for specific parameters: Turbidity, COD, BOD, TOC, Nitrates, Free Chlorine, Dissolved Oxygen, Hardness, Nitrogen, Ammonia, Phosphorus

Having access to all the values ​​of the water analysis parameters helps production managers monitor the installations, detect possible anomalies and obtain detailed information. The analysis of these values ​​can lead to the improvement of production processes and the performance of predictive maintenance.

Advantages of the measuring and sampling station

Our measuring and sampling station guarantees you:

  • Simple operation and maintenance
  • Perfect control of the quality of your water
  • Adaptable to any type of water
  • Choose the parameters to measure
  • Personalize the settings of measurement and sampling ranges
  • The possibility of monitoring the quality of your water at all times thanks to the integrated VPN system and the web server.
  • A program capable of storing data and communicating it remotely, via an online interface for data collection.

NISKAE, turnkey engineering for the analysis of your water

As part of the integration of a measuring and sampling station, our teams provide you with,

  • High-quality measuring probes and sensors for precise parameter control
  • The specific integration and implementation study on your site
  • The installation of the equipment, its commissioning and operator training
  • The monitoring and after-sales service of your installation and equipment by our technicians, including the cleaning of probes and sensors, the necessary checks and calibrations