Water treatment

Aeroflotation water treatment plant

Aeroflotation water treatment plant

Continuous-flow aeroflotation water treatment plant - DAF system

NISKAE, with a design standard of its own, has developed a concept of modular aeroflotation plants for industrial water treatment. NISKAE offers a complete range of dissolved air separators and flotation units - DAF system - for the precipitation and physical separation of pollutants from water. Designed for industrial effluents of all types and flow rates from 1 to 50 m3/h, air flotation combined with coagulation and flocculation is an effective technique for removing pollutants and suspended solids from wastewater.

What is dissolved air flotation?

Aeroflotation station - DAF system
DAF system for industrial wastewater treatment by coagulation, flocculation and aeroflotation

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is used to remove suspended particles from treated water. DAF works by using pressurized air which, once in the water, transforms into millions of micro air bubbles that trap suspended particles, causing them to rise to the surface of the water to be scraped off.

Description and operation of the aeroflotation treatment plant

Operation of aeroflotation water treatment plants
Operation of aeroflotation industrial water treatment plants

Building on the success of the SW microstation range, NISKAE engineers set themselves the goal of developing a range of aeroflot water treatment plants - SDFLOT - applying the characteristics of the “NISKAE” design standard, i.e. an all-boiler unit made of polypropylene plastic, compact, above-ground and plug and play.

Our SDFLOT plants provide continuous wastewater treatment, combining coagulant and flocculant reagents with aeroflotation and surface skimming. The treatment unit comprises a pH control tank, a coagulation tank, a flocculation tank and an aeroflotation skimmer.
The unit is designed as a single unit for easy handling, and is combined with a reagent preparation and dosing station.

Depending on the quantity of sludge generated, sludge conditioning and dewatering is carried out either by a module of big-bag filter boxes or by a filter press.

SDFLOT units can be equipped for reuse and recycling of treated water by adding a clear water storage tank and the necessary filtration capacities.

Our SDFLOT range comprises 4 treatment units that stand out for their small size and high efficiency.

  • SDFLOT10 treatment station for flows up to 12 m3/h
  • SDFLOT20 treatment station for flows up to 20 m3/h
  • SDFLOT40 treatment plant for flows up to 40 m3/h
  • SDFLOT80 treatment station for flow rates up to 80 m3/h

As with our range of industrial water treatment equipment, the operation of our SDFLOT aeroflotation plants is fully automated and benefits from all the technological advances made by NISKAE engineers in terms of PLC control and communication via our own VPN solution.

Advantages of SDFLOT aeroflotation stations

Our water treatment plants, combined with the use of appropriate coagulants and flocculants, guarantee you,

  • Simple operation and maintenance
  • Recycling of your wastewater, 0 rejects!
  • Perfect control of discharge quality
  • A significant reduction in your waste treatment costs
  • No need to store your wastewater
  • Reduced maintenance of your equipment
  • An environmentally-friendly corporate image
  • Return on investment of less than 12 months

NISKAE, turnkey engineering for water treatment

When setting up a water treatment plant, our teams will provide you with

  • Laboratory tests to select and determine the flocculant products best suited to your wastewater treatment needs.
  • On-site industrial testing with a pilot plant at your disposal
  • A complete turnkey wastewater treatment plant, including water pumps, a reagent preparation and dosing station, an aeroflotation skimmer and a sludge dewatering system using big-bag filtration or a filter press.
  • Follow-up and after-sales service for your installation and equipment by our technicians