Water treatment units

Paint booth skimmer

Paint booth skimmer

Paint booth water treatment and paint sludge extraction

The proper functioning of a paint booth can only be assured if the clearness of the water curtain is optimally maintained, so that it can continuously absorb the paint overspray, that is to say the quantity of paint that is not applied on the item when the paint is being sprayed.

Skimming Unit for paint booth water curtain treatment

Paint booth skimmer and dehydration of the sludge through filtration
Paint booth skimmer and dehydration of the sludge through filtration

NISKAE offers a treatment system for water loaded with paint that allows a continuous treatment of the water curtain through the extraction of paint sludge with the water thread.

The extraction of the paint sludge is operated thanks to the use of coagulants and floculants, and requires the use of an extraction unit such as a skimmer.

Our set up for the extraction of paint sludge includes a skimmer and a dosing and reagent preparation unit.

Advantages of a paint booth skimmer

Paint booth skimmer and dehydration of the sludge through filtration
Paint booth skimmer and dehydration of the sludge through filtration

The paint booth skimmer has lots of advantages :

  • A clear water curtain, clean, that completely does its job
  • Optimal catchment of the overspray
  • Increase in the quality of the rejections
  • The sludge is highly dehydrated so t takes less space
  • A clean paint booth with no pain deposit
  • Cleaning your paint booth becomes very easy
  • Downtimes for your paint booth are reduced
  • The lifetime of your water curtain is multiplied by 4 or 5 : you make great water savings
  • Decrease of the application faults and wastes
  • Decrease of exploitation fees and increase of the productivity up to 8hours per week

NISKAE, turnkey solution for the treatment of paint water

Paint booth skimmer for the extraction of pain sludge
Paint booth skimmer for the extraction of pain sludge

To ensure a perfect fit of our water treatment system to the water cycle of your paint booth, NISKAE guarantees :

  • Laboratory tests to chose the products that matches your paint
  • An industrial test on site, through the set up of a pilot unit at your disposal
  • A complete turn-key solution that includes : water pumps, an automatic or manual dosing pump, a skimming unit linked to a sludge dehydration system through big bag filters or filter press.
  • A follow up and customer service for your installation with our technicians

The applications of the water treatment for water from paint booths

Skimming unit for the treatment of water from paint booths
Skimming unit for the treatment of water from paint booths

Water treatment for water from paint booths is useful for many industries:

  • Wood manufacturers
  • Plastic Producers
  • Glass and other containers producers
  • Metal constructions
  • BTP machine producers
  • Car industry